This Hope We Have…

This Hope We Have…

Good morning Brave Warrior of Jesus Christ. May the Great Shepherd always find the one as He leaves the ninety-nine.

Father God, we lift Your name over our lives and cry out for You to renew our mercies. We thank You, Father, for grace. We thank You, Father, for the hope that is You. Father God, it is with a humble heart that we bow before You, in this day, called Today, and seek Your loving kindness. We ask Your redemptive healing of our soul and knock upon the door of Your glory. Fill our hearts with the Light of Your magnificent love and power.

Father God, we cry out for guidance and direction so we never lose our way. Make the path clear so that all roads lead to Your heart. All roads lead to salvation under Your mighty wing of protection. Let the darkness we see be nothing more than the shadow of Your Wing over our lives. Father, it is our hope in You that Your will be bound with our will and continue the healing of your son, Erik.

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This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. ~Hebrews 6:19-20 NASB95

Father God, it is because Your Works through us, an empty vessel, that others know of Your Healing Power. The Power that has raised Erik and continues to strength his bones and his lungs. In the name of Jesus Christ, we thank You for the safe travels You provide Erik and Christy. You, Father God, have ensured a clear road, safe travels and uneventful passage in their comings and goings. Father God, we simply ask, with a humble heart, for Erik’s continued healing, Your Strength to be poured into him and Your Love rain down on him. Father God, we seek a hedge of protection around this hospital and around FirstFruits. Let the Holy Spirit fill each person and touch the hearts of the care takers. Touch their skin, right now, and let them know You, Father God, are present. Let the wind of Your breath breathe into each of Erik’s care givers, breathe into Erik and into Christy life everlasting. Let them be filled with Light, with Love and with Your unending raw Power.

These we pray in the name of Your Loving Son, Jesus Christ. Amen Amen Amen

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